Biolinks Alliance

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Lessons learnt from the ground up

The Central Victorian Biolinks project convened a workshop to allow people who are involved in landscape restoration to share their experiences on what has worked or not been so successful in setting up their projects.

Some 30 participants heard presentations from people working on projects in the region (Connecting Country, Project Platypus, Wedderburn CMN, Northern Victorian Biolinks Group and Strathbogie Ranges CMN) and elsewhere in Australia (Habitat 141 and NSW Grassy Box Gum Woodlands Communities in Landscape project).

The day provided a great opportunity for people to see what other groups were doing and to talk through shared issues. Through the day the room was abuzz with lively conversation. The 'take-home Lessons' are providing valuable information for the Central Victorian Biolinks Advisory Group in working out how best to develop and shape the CVB project so that it may provide 'regional context' for the multitude of excellent local groups.

Karen Alexander has written a summary of the key take home lessons from the workshop, which you can download below.