Biolinks Alliance

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Doug Humann at CVBAs AGM

At our recent AGM we were fortunate to hear from Doug Humann AM about national and international directions in conservation and cultural and natural heritage resource management. See a video of Doug summarising his messages Doug Video. Doug raised 4 main directions;

  1. Doing things at a landscape scale - what we do locally builds up into landscape scale, and will then have a global impact. Don't think you are too small.
  2. Working with indigenous people - and with CVBA that is working with Dja Dja Warrung people and recognising the importance of their knowledge base and of those relationships to further understanding of country.
  3. Involving youth in nature -  ensuring that the growing community that we have is a part of what we are doing - because what we are doing in the environment is sustaining future communities.
  4. Thinking about and ensuring environmental resilience - and how we go about ensuring the landscape we work in is sustainable in the long-term.

Doug made the point that CVBA has all the necessary requirements, and the drive, to be effective to really contribute at the local level and contribute nationally and globally, having

  • a great set of community networks - and that is critical
  • A plan and a strategy and actions that people are implementing
  • A vision - working with others in the landscape
  • Commitment..