Make a Donation

We rely on the generosity of our valued donors to continue our vital work.

Your tax deductible donation (however big or small) can support our scientific and on the ground solutions to change the future for our Central Victorian creatures and landscapes from tragedy to restoration.


Speak to someone about your donation

If you would like to make a donation via direct bank deposit, or would like to speak to someone about donating to Biolinks Alliance - please contact us and we would be more than happy to hear from you.

Your donation will help us to deliver our plan for the landscape, not just the paddock. 

By supporting Biolinks Alliance, you’re helping ensure a brighter future for our beautiful wildlife and the landscapes through which they move.

 Here are just a few ways your support could make a difference:

  • $45 could pay for 15 nectar trees to replenish food stocks in depleted Box-Ironbark forest, home to Swift Parrots and Squirrel Gliders.

  • $100 could pay for wildlife monitoring camera surveys to develop targeted conservation restoration plans for endangered Brush-tailed Phascogales and Squirrel Gliders.

  • $200 could pay for climate-ready analyses to ensure farmers planting young flowering Eucalypt woodlands choose the exact species and provenance that science tells us will provide climate-resilient habitat for the Regent Honeyeater to forage before it shelters for the night in the local conservation reserve nearby.

  • $350 could pay for a keynote speaker at a symposium that connects 18 groups together to develop a plan for the Greater Glider.

  • $1000 could pay for an ecologist to help a farmer draw up a plan to protect endangered spring soak species on their property, including Burrowing Crayfish, Bibron’s Toadlet and Growling Grass Frog.

Biolinks Alliance has a proven track record of improving the outlook for those species. In the 10 years since Biolinks began, the landscapes enhanced by our projects have offered habitat to 42 mammal species, 282 bird species, 60 reptile species, 156 insect species and 25 amphibian species – and 73 of these species are threatened.

 Your donation is in safe hands.