Our Services

Empowering landholders to create sustainable and resilient lands

At Biolinks Alliance, we are dedicated to protecting and restoring as much land in Central Victoria as possible. That’s why we offer our services directly to you.

Biodiversity must be incorporated more comprehensively in land management practices for the sustainability and adaptability of landscapes to climate change.

Our team can support you to protect and restore the biodiversity on your land so its long-term health and productivity is protected.


For Landholders and Farmers

From comprehensive Private Land Assessments, to Habitat Restoration Plans, and Landscape Rehydration and Biodiversity Monitoring, our team can help you reach your aspirations for your land.

Learn more

For Communities

Based on our highly successful and unique Local to Landscape planning system, our team can help you create a plan and ecological investment prospectus to protect and restore biolinks in your local area.

Want to learn more? Contact us today.


Our team can help you build your land’s productivity and health

Our team all live and work in Central Victoria and have the expertise and experience to help you make sure your land thrives well into the future.

Dr Sophie Bickford, Ecologist

Sophie heads up our team of experts, with decades of experience in building healthy landscapes, and expert knowledge in ecology and its relationship with carbon and biodiversity markets (new methods and project development).

Cameron O’Mara, Land Manager

Cam is experienced in farmer engagement, on farm project advisory and design, surveys, revegetation, landscape rehydration, and weed management.

Dr Chris Pocknee, Ecologist

Chris specialised in broad ecological research, and management and project experience, including designing and implementing ecological monitoring programs.


For more information about our services or to discuss your specific needs, please contact us by filling out the form below or emailing: info@biolinksalliance.org.au


At Biolinks Alliance, we are committed to empowering landholders to create sustainable and resilient landscapes. With our deep expertise and collaborative approach, we provide the services and support you need to make a lasting positive impact on your land and the environment.


Our Landmark Pilot Projects

Learn about our catalytic pilot projects that we are collaboratively delivering across Central Victoria. Backed by the latest science - we are climate proofing our lands and restoring ecological function for a healthier environment for all.