Biolinks Alliance Knowledge Hub
Linking Landscapes
2017 Linking Landscapes Symposium Proceedings
The hope of biolinks and practical guidelines for making the dream a reality. Dr Veronica Doerr
General rules for designing biolinks that work for birds and small arboreal mammals.
Climate-proofing - genetic diversity, species diversity and evolutionary processes. Professor Ary Hoffman and Dr Rebecca Jordan
Maintaining genetic diversity is vital to populations being able to adapt to and survive climate change - how we can help.
Connectivity Conservation - connecting nature in space and time. Professor Andrew Bennett
How understanding, and restoring disrupted, patterns of nature's connectedness is vital to conservation.
Migration Routes of the Great Eastern Ranges: Nature's way of living the big picture. Gary Howling
Understanding the role of the Great Eastern Ranges in birds, bat and butterfly migrations in Australia
The Babbler Project - linking people and land. Dr Doug Robinson
How plunging Grey-crowned babbler populations have being targeted for conservation family by family. Exemplar restoration project - what people and a scientific plan can do. the connectivity dream. Kylie Durant
Partnerships, a steady presence and a scientific approach are reconnecting a productive agricultural landscape. An excellent model project.
Bush Stone-curlews in Central Victoria. Judy Crocker
Tree thinning in damaged ironbark forests is restoring their health and giving hope to dwindling local Bush Stone-curlew populations.
North Central Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan
Rohan Hogan
An assessment of the vulnerability of central Victoria's natural assets to climate change and ways to help them adapt.
Pollen Pathways: A project to reconnect Matted Flax-lily populations along the Merri Creek. Brian Bainbridge
Lily flowers, buzz pollination by bees - a fascinating talk that neatly illustrates how important ecological connectivity is for plants.
Biolinks: the Cobaw Forest to Tooborac Forest Connection. Peter Sanders
The story of how a community have established a large wildlife corridor
The GOANNA Project - Landscape restoration on a Landcare budget and partnering for the future. James Nelsson
GOANNA - "Group Organising Activity Nurturing Natural Assets" - how partnering is acheving ecological outcomes.
Building biolinks using marketing instruments. Paul Dettman and Jeroen van Veen
Biodiversity and carbon markets and conservation-focussed agriculture are restoring and connecting habitat in Victoria.