Resources Hub
Citizen Science resources
Resources for citizen scientists and network organisations facilitating citizen science programs.
Landholder resources
Resources for landholders, Landcare groups and friends-of groups.
Resources for children
Educational resources for children.
Search by region
Region: Heathcote
Resources for Biolinks Alliance Heathcote Local to Landscape plan.
Region: Kyneton
Resources for Biolinks Alliance Kyneton Local to Landscape plan.
Central Victoria
Resources for landscape conservation within Central Victoria.
Search by category
Connecting habitat
Resources for the importance of and impact of connected habitat.
Functional repair
Resources for landscape functional repair.
Climate adaption
Resources for climate change and climate adaption plans.
Traditional Owners
Resources related to Traditional Owners.
Large Old Trees
Resource for the protection of and restoration of Large Old Trees.
Nest boxes
Resources for nest boxes.
Ecological monitoring
Resources for ecological monitoring.
Grassy woodlands
Resources for grassy woodlands.
Resources for wetland restoration.
Native grasslands
Resources for native grasslands
Farm dams
Resources about farm dams.
River restoration
Resources for river restoration.
Springs and soaks
Resources for springs and soaks, such as groundwater dependant ecosystems.
Exemplar projects
Resources for exemplar projects throughout Australia.
Resources for revegetation.
Resources for pollination.
Resources for species migration.
Native species reintroduction
Resources for native species reintroduction.
Landscape repair
Resources for landscape repair.
Environmental markets
Resources for environmental markets.
Regenerative agriculture
Resources for regenerative agriculture practices.
Search by species
Glider and phascogale resources
Resources for glider and phascogale protection.
Swift parrot resources
Resources for swift parrot protection.
Amphibian resources
Resources for amphibian protection.
Insect resources
Resources for insect protection.
Woodland birds
Resources for woodland bird protection.
Resources for echidna protection.
Search by symposium
2024 Rewilding Symposium
Catalysing the practical delivery of rewilding and scaling-up urgent action in our region and beyond
2022 Leaky Landscapes Symposium
From the ground up: Climate proofing our landscapes and biodiversity - Practical approaches to soil absorption and techniques for fixing desertified landscapes.
2020 Greater and Squirrel Glider Symposium
Leaping into Action: Sharing practical and scientific knowledge for glider conservation.
2019 Bolstering the refuges
Restoring health and resilience of remnant ecosystems.
2018 Linking Waterscapes
Water, the Great Connector - providing passage and connecting environments.
2017 Linking Landscapes
From Islands to Networks; Linking Landscapes at a time of Climate Change.
2016 Gliding possums
Gliding possums Symposium.
Search by publication type
How-to guides