Our Network Members

With 19 Network Members (environmental groups and network organisations) that extend from the Grampians across to the Australian Alps, and from the Dividing Ranges to the Murray River - together, we can help climate proof and restore ecological function across even more lands.

Biolinks Alliance shares an aligned vision with our Network Members and, where possible, we work together to have an amplified impact to restore and protect our Central Victorian environment. We are working with several of our Network Members, for instance, on our Glideways in Central Victoria initiative across 10 projects.

Network Members

Our Network Members extend from the Grampians across to the Australian Alps, and from the Dividing Ranges to the Murray River.

  1. Ballarat Environment Network

  2. BEAM Mitchell Environment Group

  3. Bendigo and Districts Environment Council

  4. Connecting Country

  5. Federation of Environment and Horticulture Macedon Ranges

  6. Jacksons Creek EcoNetwork

  7. Kara Kara Conservation Management Network

  8. Loddon Plains Landcare Network

  9. Mid-Loddon Sub Catchment Management Network

  10. Moorabool Landcare Network

  11. Project Platypus

  12. South West Goulburn Landcare Network

  13. Strathbogie Ranges Conservation

  14. Upper Campaspe Landcare Network

  15. Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network

  16. Upper Goulburn Landcare Network

  17. Wedderburn Conservation Management Network

  18. Whroo Goldfields Conservation Management Network

  19. Wombat Forestcare

By becoming a Network Member with Biolinks Alliance, your organisation could:

  • Partner with us on joint projects that align with our strategic vision

  • Apply for joint funding

  • Be part of a Biolinks Alliance Local to Landscape project

  • Have access to our ecologists for scientific expertise and project development

  • Vote at our Annual General Meeting

Becoming a Network Member

To find out how to apply to become a Network Member, email: info@biolinksalliance.org.au