
Biolinks Alliance Knowledge Hub

Greater and Squirrel Glider Symposium

Leaping into Action: Sharing practical and scientific knowledge for Glider conservation

Friday 16th October 2020 - Keynote talks released

Tuesday 27th October 2020 - Greater Gliders program

Wednesday 28th October 2020 - Squirrel Gliders program

Online digital symposium via Zoom

The threat of species extinction requires the sharing and application of the best knowledge and conservation strategy. Flagship species like the Greater Glider and Squirrel Glider are already fomenting collaboration and increased action. The recent fires raised the urgency of the challenge as well as many questions on what the best course of action is in a rapidly changing climate and more frequent catastrophic events.

Biolinks Alliance, with Wombat Forestcare, Strathbogie Ranges CMN and the Great Eastern Ranges, is holding an online digital symposium that will bring together researchers and conservation practitioners working in Victoria and New South Wales. This two-week online forum will focus on sharing information and improving collaborative and strategic approaches to conservation of Greater Gliders and Squirrel Gliders.

A series of digital video assets will be available at the commencement of the symposium, followed by several days of live panel discussions, keynotes, Q&A’s and workshops. The program will cover:

  • State of play - impact of drought and recent fires

  • New research - approaches and findings

  • Lessons from the ground - survey, monitoring, habitat protection, restoration and enhancement; community action

  • Planning for collaboration and increased strategic action

Symposium location: online via the Zoom platform

KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS by leading research scientists:

Watch all keynotes here -


"Predicting habitat suitability for greater glider (Petauroides volans) using remote sensing: implications for conservation planning"

Keynote presented by PhD. candidate Benjamin Wagner


"Conservation Planning in Dynamic Environments"

Keynote presented by Associate Professor Craig Nitschke


"Examining changes in Greater Gliders population from several large-scale, long-term studies includes empirical analyses that quantify the impacts of various drivers of change"

Keynote presented by Professor David Lindenmayer


"Temporal changes in populations of arboreal marsupials, including gliders in the Grassy Box-gum woodlands of southern Australia over the past 22+ years based on a series of long-term observational studies and experiments"

Keynote presented by Professor David Lindenmayer


"Overlooked driver of decline--the influence of temperature on food intake in arboreal folivores"

Keynote presented by Dr Kara Youngentob


"Maximising learning opportunities while replacing tree hollows for wildlife"

Keynote originally presented by Dr Rodney Van Der Ree as part of the 2019 TreeNet conference


"Connecting habitat across roads"

Keynote originally presented by Dr Rodney Van Der Ree as part of the 2019 TreeNet conference


“Squirrel Gliders: Nest box use and population monitoring”

Keynote presented by Associate Professor Ross Goldingay

STATE OF PLAY live panel discussions:

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Greater Glider “State of Play” live panel discussion

Tuesday 27th October

Gregg Borschmann (Facilitator)

Professor David Lindenmayer Australian National University

Ed Hill GECO

Dr Teresa Eyre Queensland Herbarium

Dr Jenny Nelson Arthur Rylah Institute

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Squirrel Glider “State of Play” live panel discussion

Wednesday 28th October

Gregg Borschmann (Facilitator)

Dr Mason Crane NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust

Dr Rodney van Der Ree University of Melbourne & WSP Australia

Associate Professor Ross Goldingay Southern Cross University

Jerry Alexander DELWP


Greater Gliders - Q & A with keynote speakers PhD. candidate Benjamin Wagner, Associate Professor Craig Nitschke and
Dr Kara Youngentob

Greater and Squirrel Gliders - Q & A with keynote speaker Professor David Lindenmayer

Squirrel Gliders - Q & A with keynote speakers Associate Professor Ross Goldingay and Dr Rodney Van Der Ree

Great Eastern Ranges Glideways Program - Q & A with Gary Howling, Executive Director of the Great Eastern Ranges

PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS with field experts, researchers and leading scientists:

Greater Glider survey design and monitoring workshop

Dr Jenny Martin (University of Melbourne) (Facilitator)
Dr Kara Youngentob (Australian National University)
Dr Louise Durkin (DELWP)
Rena Gaborov (GECO)
Bert Lobert (Strathbogie Ranges CMN)

Greater Glider permanent protection workshop

Amelia Young (Wilderness Society) (Facilitator)
Matt Ruchel (Victorian National Parks Association)
Chris Schuringa (GECO)
James Fitzsimmons (The Nature Conservancy)
Doug Robinson (Trust for Nature)

Greater Glider mitigation strategies workshop

Dr Jenny Martin (University of Melbourne) (Facilitator)
Dr Kara Youngentob (Australian National University)
Drew Lieppa (Greening Australia)
Associate Professor Craig Nitschke (University of Melbourne)
Jemma Cripps (Arthur Rylah Institute DELWP)
Matt Cecil (Wildlife preservation society of QLD)

Squirrel Glider survey design and monitoring workshop

Stuart Cowell (Conservation Management PTY LTD) (Facilitator)
Dylan McWhinney (DM Ecological and Albury Conservation Company)
Dr Rodney Van Der Ree (University of Melbourne and WSP Australia)
Associate Professor Ross Goldingay (Southern Cross University)
Jerry Alexander (DELWP)

Squirrel Glider citizen science, community engagement and data quality workshop

Stuart Cowell (Conservation Management PTY LTD) (Facilitator)
Lou Bull (Burrumbuttock Squirrel Glider LAMP)
Dr Kylie Soanes (University of Melbourne)
Mary Bonet (Glideways Kanangra-Boyd to Wyangala Link)
Jess Lawton (Connecting Country)
Peter Menkhorst (Arthur Rylah Institute DELWP)

Squirrel Glider habitat health and restoration workshop

Stuart Cowell (Conservation Management PTY LTD) (Facilitator)
PhD. candidate Erica Marshall (University of Melbourne)
Dr Mason Crane (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)
Gary Howling (Great Eastern Ranges Connectivity Conservation Initiative)


Greening Australia’s East Gippsland Greater Glider nestbox installation program and habitat restoration efforts.

Burrumbuttock Squirrel Glider local area management plan (LAMP)


Discover conservation projects focusing on Greater and Squirrel Glider, and other arboreal mammal being undertaken by the community

We are gratefully acknowledge the support from our generous sponsor:

Pool of Dreams, Claire Eliza’s gift