Connectivity Plan for the Grampians to Pyrenees Biolink
Central Victorian Biolinks has been supporting a collaborative planning process for the Grampians to Pyrenees Biolink. The Grampians to Pyrenees Biolink Project commenced in 2008 as a partnership between the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority, Project Platypus and landholders of the Upper Wimmera Catchment. The need to restore ecological connectivity between the Grampians and the Pyrenees Ranges has motivated numerous conservation efforts by different organisations many years prior to this.
In 2013, the Australian Government funded the three year Grampians to Pyrenees Biolink Project, giving renewed focus to the goal. It is now a collaborative endeavour between Project Platypus, the Wimmera CMA, Glenelg Hopkins CMA, Trust for Nature, Parks Victoria, Central Victorian Biolinks and the broader community. Part of the grant provided funding to develop a strategic Connectivity Plan that would provide a strong foundation to support ongoing activities.
Using the principles of connectivity science, available data and local knowledge in a Conservation Action Planning framework the plan has defined key large-scale linkages and identified priority areas and conservation actions.
A Draft Plan is soon to be released for further consultation, with a final plan due to be completed mid in 2015.
As a useful pilot, the learnings from the project, and the data brought together for it, will be shared with other member groups across the CVB network.