Phase 3 - Framework for Action
CVB Member 5 year Plan meeting, from left: Paul Foreman, Gary Howling, Judy Crocker, Leigh Blackmore, Kate Stothers, Peter Mitchell, Sophie Bickford, Mel Husada, Gayle Osborn, John Boadle, Michael Moore.
Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance has built a strong foundation of partnerships and, based on understanding member groups’ current capacity and the support they need, has developed a 5 year Framework for Action. CVB has identified a unique role for itself as a capacity and partnership building organisation that will ensure that the significant momentum there is for community-driven conservation on public and private land in Central Victoria is supported, coordinated and amplified.
The Plan outlines seven key priority areas and four clearly defined programs for their delivery. Funding to implement the plan is being sought.
The plan was funded by the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust and developed in consultation with Member Groups with help from Paul Foreman, Kate Stothers and Natalie Moxham.