Restoring Leaky Landscapes
9:45 am09:45

Restoring Leaky Landscapes

Biolinks Alliance

Restoring Leaky Landscapes

A place visioning, field-based workshop

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A Local Area Planning (LAP) collaboration between Wedderburn Conservation Management Network (CMN) and Biolinks Alliance

A field-based workshop building on Wedderburn CMN’s restoration projects/trial

  • examining why large-scale landscape repair is vital;

  • evaluating the potential of various innovative solutions;

  • envisaging what a restored landscape might look like and 

  • addressing how the community can practically go about making it a reality 

  • This is a key step in developing a detailed LAP – an operational blueprint ready for investment and implementation by the CMN with support from Biolinks Alliance and other stakeholders. 


MEETING POINT: Community house inWedderburn

DURATION: 10am sharp departure, returning 2pm. Lunch Provided.

RESTORING LEAKY LANDSCAPES: designing ways to restore ‘dysfunctional landscapes’. These are landscapes that, due to past landuses, no longer retain water as they used to. They are not as productive, resilient or diverse as they once were but need to be to enable them to adapt to climate change. 

Conservation of threatened species such as Malleefowl, Dainty Phebalium, Grassy Woodlands and declining woodland birds such as Diamond Fire-tail and Hooded Robin rely restoring the health of the habitats they rely on. 

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AGM Annual General Meeting 2018
3:30 pm15:30

AGM Annual General Meeting 2018

  • 81 Mollison Street Kyneton, VIC, 3444 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You’re invited

to the Biolinks Alliance AGM


  • Registration / afternoon tea 3.30pm

  • AGM 4pm

  • Biolinks Project Workshop 4.30pm

  • Closing remarks / drinks 5.30pm

For those who can stay on

  • Telling our story 6 pm

  • Dinner at Colenso 7.30 pm

Board and members
From aspiration to implementation - discussion around how we are, and can further, build local capacity to deliver landscape projects.

Dale Simpson
Stories are powerful for communicating meaning and purpose - knowing the narrative of our organisation is vital for us to promote who we are and what we do, to bring people along with us. Dale is the founder and Managing Director of ThoughtPost specialising in performance, leadership and career management and will be helping us tell our unique story.

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5:30 pm17:30

Connecting Wildspaces So People & Nature Can Thrive


This event has passed, but you can read more about it here.

Gary Tabor, renowned conservation biologist and wildlife Veterinarian, is a world leading expert on connectivity conservation. Gary will speak about the priorities and opportunities for 21st Century conservation practice. 

Biolinks Alliance is thrilled to be hosting Gary’s visit, sharing his deep experience of protecting and re-connecting habitat over thousands of kilometres. 

Gary co-founded the trailblazing Yellowstone to Yukon conservation initiative, established the Kibale National Park in Uganda and established the World Banks Mountain Gorilla Conservation Trust.  He is currently the Executive Director of the Centre for Large Landscape Conservation in the United States.

With 150 native species threatened with extinction in central Victoria we need new ways to tackle the problem.

He has much to offer us as we pursue our ambitious vision to re-connect habitat across central Victoria

Come and be inspired and hear how we all need to be, and can be, part of the solution in central Victoria.

Doors will open at 5.30 pm for a 6.00 pm start. Drinks will be available from 5.30. Come and chat with others before the talk. Reservations are essential. Despite tickets being free to Members of the Alliance we ask Members to book to assist with seating and catering. 

Connecting and Protecting habitat from Yellowstone to Yukon so people and nature can thrive. 

The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative is a trans-border non-profit organisation that connects and protects the landscape, some 2,000 miles (3,200km) of it, to support the health of people, wildlife and nature. It is no simple task, but together with their supporters and over 125 partners they are making it happen.

Since large landscape conservation involves great geographical scales and touches many lives, it requires a collaborative effort—not something one organization can fully shoulder alone.

The Centre for Large Landscape Conservation is a “hub” for large landscape conservation, connecting people, organizations and resources to foster powerful solutions that respect diverse stakeholders.

Biolinks Alliance is part of the Great Eastern Ranges (GER) Connectivity Initiative - hear renowned conservationist, Harvey Locke, explain why the GER is so significant.


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9:30 am09:30

Linking Landscapes

Bendigo Ck in flood near Mitiamo Jan 2011_edit.png

This event has passed, but you can read reports from the day here.

CVBA is holding its second annual Symposium -  on the science and practice of reestablishing ecological connectivity in the landscape.

The symposium"From islands to networks: Linking landscapes for conservation at a time of climate change" will be held on Friday May 12th at the Capital Theatre in Bendigo. Download Symposium Flyer here.

The day will explore the concept and practicalities of biolinks, addressing –

  • why we need to reconnect the landscape,
  • how to design and structure biolinks and
  • how to set up and deliver them.

It will be a chance from leading experts, including Professor Andrew Bennett (La Trobe University & Arthur Rylah Institute), Dr Veronica Doerr (CSIRO AdaptNRM), Dr Gary Howling (Great Eastern Ranges), Professor Ary Hoffman (Melbourne University) and conservation practitioners to share the latest knowledge and practical experiences around this important topic.

Tickets are $25 inclusive of morning tea and lunch for individuals associated with a CVBA member organisation or $50 for non-members.



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9:30 am09:30


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This event has passed, but you can read reports from the day here.


Glider conservation knowledge, practice
and collaboration in Central Victoria
Sharing expert knowledge and practical experience to build capacity
for increased glider conservation in Central Victoria.
• 3 Glider researchers speaking about latest knowledge on glider
ecology and conservation practice
• Successful example Glideways projects in NSW
• 8 - 10 Central Victorian community conservation groups presenting
their glider conservation work
• Synthesis and discussion around strategic whole-of-landscape
approaches to increasing glider conservation in Central Victoria
Followed by the Official Launch of the Central Victorian Biolinks Initiative by
Professor Kate Auty, 2014 VC Fellow Melbourne University and Former Vic Govt.
Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability.


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