Biolinks Alliance
Restoring Leaky Landscapes
A place visioning, field-based workshop
A Local Area Planning (LAP) collaboration between Wedderburn Conservation Management Network (CMN) and Biolinks Alliance
A field-based workshop building on Wedderburn CMN’s restoration projects/trial
examining why large-scale landscape repair is vital;
evaluating the potential of various innovative solutions;
envisaging what a restored landscape might look like and
addressing how the community can practically go about making it a reality
This is a key step in developing a detailed LAP – an operational blueprint ready for investment and implementation by the CMN with support from Biolinks Alliance and other stakeholders.
MEETING POINT: Community house inWedderburn
DURATION: 10am sharp departure, returning 2pm. Lunch Provided.
RESTORING LEAKY LANDSCAPES: designing ways to restore ‘dysfunctional landscapes’. These are landscapes that, due to past landuses, no longer retain water as they used to. They are not as productive, resilient or diverse as they once were but need to be to enable them to adapt to climate change.