Posts in 2020 symposium
Squirrel Glider "State of Play" live panel discussion

Our expert panel discusses the current "State of Play" of Squirrel Gliders and asks the question "Where are we and where do we want to be in 10-20 years?" They cover issues such as the impact of fire, climate change, forest conservation, the lessons from COVID-19, farmers as "eco-friends", the individuals involved in the "extinction rebellion", the suppression of science, current political framework and government intervention, as well as reviewing key new scientific insights and finally ecosystem restoration asking - "How do we make 2020-2030 the Decade of Ecosystem restoration?"

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Greater Glider "State of Play" live panel discussion

Our expert panel discusses the current "State of Play" of Greater Gliders and asks the question "Where are we and where do we want to be in 10-20 years?" They cover issues such as the impact of fire, climate change, forest conservation, the lessons from COVID-19, the current political framework and government intervention, as well as reviewing key new scientific insights and finally ecosystem restoration asking - "How do we fund the environmental repair work of the future?"

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Greater Glider mitigation strategies workshop

Greater Glider populations have a disjunct distribution across their range largely due to habitat loss such as clearing, logging and fires, but also resulting from historic climate change that has left some populations isolated (eg. Wombat Forest, Strathbogie Ranges, South Gippsland). Climate change is impacting remnant habitats’ ability to support glider populations.

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