In our second webinar about ‘rewilding’, as part of our 2024 Monthly Webinar Series, hear from Derek Sandow who is the Marna Banggara Project Manager at the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board.
Read MoreHear about ways to protect and restore these elders of our lands. At this webinar, we'll together look at:
Why are Large Old Trees so important? What are the dire threats they face? How can we together urgently help them?
Regent Honeyeaters are endangered due to loss of woodland habitat, but a combination of habitat restoration, captive releases, monitoring and research, and community involvement is working towards recovery of this and other woodland species.
Read MoreNative digging mammals in Australia are now rare or extinct and their important ecological functions have been largely lost, but some restoration is possible with re-introductions, sufficient habitat cover, rabbit control and other approaches.
Read MoreWith insects declining around the world, studies on the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation in agricultural landscapes provide an explanation for the decline and suggest implications for restoration.
Read MoreGrassy woodlands and woodland species are under threat but there are many ways we can transform our grassy woodlands to states that are richer and more resilient to change.
Read MoreInka's recently completed PhD showed how important clusters of connected wetlands were for brolga chicks before they fledged and how wetland connectivity is important for the large scale movements between south western Victoria and South Australia.
Read MoreAgricultural intensification is having a big impact on biodiversity. Don described three projects looking at the behaviour of frogs in various agricultural environments. Frogs in the study used a variety of habitats to live and traverse but remnant condition and proximity to water were most important. And the three studies failed to detect many species that are more sensitive to the impacts of agriculture.
Read MoreBush Stone-curlews in Central Victoria. Judy Crocker
Tree thinning in damaged ironbark forests is restoring their health and giving hope to dwindling local Bush Stone-curlew populations.
Read the connectivity dream. Kylie Durant
Partnerships, a steady presence and a scientific approach are reconnecting a productive agricultural landscape. An excellent model project.
Read MoreProfessor Andrew Bennett, La Trobe University and Arthur Rylah Institute, speaking at the Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance 'From Islands to Networks; Linking Landscapes at a time of Climate Change' Symposium on why ecological connectivity is important.
Read MoreRestoring Glideways is a project focusing on glider conservation and awareness across theK2W Link, part of the Great Eastern Ranges. The teaching package Wildlife Corridors for Kids was developed as part of this project.
Read MoreAlbury Conservation Company's work in conserving Squirrel Gliders in Thurgoona/Wirlinga area, in the urban growth corridor of Albury, near the freeway bypass.
Read MoreHow we can monitor and learn about gliders and the effectiveness of our conservation efforts.
Read MoreSquirrel Glider studies from the slopes of southwest NSW provide widely applicable information for glider habitat conservation in fragmented environments.
Read MoreSpecies of Gliding Possums, their conservation status and how to restore habitat based on their food, housing and landscape connectivity requirements.
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